Get Simple File List Pro

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Plugin Registration

This plugin has no recurring costs. The one-time registration cost is per domain or per local host activation. First-level sub-domains are also included. If you register then will also activate. There is no limit to how many sub-domains you may use. You may also add a staging/development domain that uses a separate URL.

The Main Plugin

Pro Extensions

Extensions add additional feature support to Simple File List Pro. They are designed to improve the management of larger, more complex, file lists.

File Access Manager

This extension adds the ability to limit file and list access to only people you choose. Create additional file lists, each with its own settings and user access permissions. Grant access to specific users by file, or grant access to entire lists based on Wordpress users or roles.

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Access Screenshot
  • Lock down your files to prevent direct access.
  • Limit file access to only logged-in users.
  • Create additional file lists for a specific user or a group of users.
  • Create additional file lists for users matching, or with permission greater than, a specific role.
  • Create five types of additional file lists:
    • Restricted Mode
      Restrict access to all of the files by default. Grant access to specific files to specific users.
    • User Mode
      Restrict file list access to a specific Wordpress user.
    • Group Mode
      Restrict file list access to a specified group of Wordpress users.
    • Limited Mode
      Restrict file list access to all except Wordpress users matching a specified role or with a minimum role or higher.
    • Normal Mode
      Do not restrict access. Files are viewable by anyone who can reach the file list page. Files may also be linked-to from outside of your website.
    • Wordpress Admins can always access all files and file lists.
  • For each type of list you can limit these actions by user role; file uploading, front-side file management and the ability to move files to other lists.
  • Set a limit for the maximum size of a file list.
  • Limit the minimum role to be considered when adding users to a list. This helps keep the choices manageable if you have many subscribers.
  • Choose to be notified by email for each file upload.
  • Learn More

Price: $29.00

Search & Pagination

This extension adds searching and pagination functionality to Simple File List. It is designed to make very large file lists much more manageable. Best for large file lists of similar content, or large folder-based lists.

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Search Screenshot
  • Adds a search bar above the file list.
  • Search by date and/or file name.
  • Searches within sub-folder. (But not above the current folder)
  • Pagination breaks up large file lists into smaller pages.
  • Define the number of files per page in the settings.
  • Show or hide the search bar and/or pagination in the settings.
  • Use shortcode attributes to over-ride the operation as needed:
    [eeSFL search="NO" paged="YES" filecount="25"]
  • Place a search form anywhere on your site. Simply place the file list shortcode you want searched on the permalink:
    [eeSFLS = permalink=""]
  • Learn More

Price: $19.00

File Sending

This extension adds the ability to send email messages containing links to your files.

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File Send Screenshot
  • Adds a "Send" link to the existing file action.
  • Opens a dialog allowing the user to compose an email message.
  • Links to selected files are included in the message.
  • Protected files will require the user to log in before they can be accessed.
  • More features coming soon.

Price: $7.00

Site Registration

The plugins will only activate on registered domains. If your website is only reachable locally, choose "Local Environment Only" and make sure the email address matches the Wordpress admin email address of your site. You may change any of this information later within your account dashboard.

In addition to the registered live domain, you may also include a staging/development domain.
Note that these strings are automatically considered to be staging domains: "localhost", ".local", "development.", or "staging."

Registration Information

Information from this order will NOT be shared with anyone.

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Simple File List is developed by Mitchell Bennis
Element Engage, LLC | Cokato, Minnesota USA | Contact Me

Your information gathered here is intended to be used solely for user registration tracking and license sales. You will be contacted only if there is important information which will benefit you in the use of this product. Payment information is kept solely by PayPal or Stripe. Element Engage, LLC at no time possesses payment card information. User information gathered by Element Engage will NOT be sold or given to third parties, and can be deleted upon request.